About Us

Since we opened in 2019, Noble Scaregrounds has had a pretty simple goal: offer our customers a fun, entertaining and hopefully memorable experience. For the most part, according to customers, we have accomplished that goal year after year. Some folks are terrified all the way through and some spend the entire time laughing their a$$es off, seems to depend on the psychological state of the individual….

We value honest feedback, let us know how did. Stop by Spellbound Souvenirs and give us verbal feedback, leave a review on okhauntedhouses.com, Facebook, etc.. Compliments and positive reviews are always appreciated. Honest, constructive criticism is also very much appreciated, letting us know what and where we can improve helps us to do so. Noble Scaregrounds wants to provide you the best experience we can!

One thing we do know is that Noble Scaregrounds has an amazing cast and crew! They will give you their all (and then some) every night we are open. Believe us when we tell you, their "all" is A LOT. Some nights we wonder if they would benefit from a little time in therapy or just a lot of time in a straight jacket.

Noble Scaregroundsis excited to see you in 2023, Fridays and Saturdays in October.

We are ready for you! Are you ready for us?